Sunday, February 19, 2006

Multiple Choice

Your 9 year old, honor student son brings home a certificate for a "free" month of karate lessons, including uniform, do you . . .

a) throw certificate in the trash as a mere marketing ploy - you couldn't afford to keep it up after the free month anyway.
b) sign said son up immediately, even though it is a marketing ploy and you can't afford to keep him in it after the free month, but it will reward him for the good grades (again) and give him the opportunity to try something he's always wanted to try, explaining to said son that it is only going to be for the free month, feeling no guilt whatsoever.
c) sign said son up immediately, even though it is a marketing ploy and you can't afford to keep him in it after the free month, but it will reward him for the good grades (again) and give him the opportunity to try something he's always wanted to try, explaining to said son that it is only going to be for the free month, while feeling guilty 1)that you've bilked the karate studio for a free month (even though it was their idea) 2)that said son will be pulled from something he loves even though he understood from the beginning that it was only for one month.

This is where someone with a loyal readership would say discuss, give your comments. But my readership is spotty at best (thanks though to Sarah, Ali, Tracey and any other twin moms that pop by), I'll just tell you . . .

I choose c. But the really sad thing is that he's pretty good at this. But alas, finances do not currently allow for outside recreation of this magnitude.

So is it truly better to have karated and lost than to never have karated at all?



Anne said...

Well, from my DH who loves being involved in martial arts, his idea was to use the certificate to see if your son really likes it. Then, his advice was if it's a "Bobby Lawrence Studio" or other big national or regional studio, run away as fast as you can (without guilt of having used them for a month!). They are waaaaayyy overpriced and don't really teach, in his opinion (it's basically "give me money and I'll give your kid a belt").

Use the time that he's doing his free month to decide what you'd like him to learn (an agressive-get-the-first-hit-in" type (karate, tae kwan do, kung-fu, shita-ryu) or a "defensive-let-them-take-the-first-shot-at-you-then-go-at-'em" (akido,kamagong, tai chi--a good one my husband says for learning to find your "ki" or "chi"--your center of strength). Then, send out feelers in your community for a small studio that teaches the style of martial arts that you're looking for. Lots of these are found by word of mouth. They will be less expensive for the most part and will probably be willing to work with you to give lessons in trade.

Good luck!!!

ali cross said...

Karate and Lost! With NO GUILT whatsoever!!!!

You can do this Mere!

Wow, just read Anne's advice and it's good! I might have to talk to her before I sign my guys up which I was planning to do come September.

Anyway, go for it! He does deserve a reward for being such an awesome kid and if he's that smart, he'll be able to understand that at this point in time the one free month is all he's going to get!

Good luck!

ali :)